6V6 / 7408 / 6V6GT Beam Pwr Tetrode

6V6 / 7408 / 6V6GT Beam Pwr Tetrode

The 6V6 is an 8-pin "octal" beam power tetrode tube found in the power amp section of many guitar amps. It is popular in many single-ended power amps, but can also be found in sets of two or four matched valves.  It has a 6.3v heater filament, and can dissipate 14W. Being one of the oldest still active electronic devices, there are many substutute tube numbers available. These can mostly be substituted with appropriate bias adjustment. The original 6V6 tube featured a metal envelope.  Due to superior performance, the more modern 6V6GT, which also features a glass envelope, remains the only type still manufactured. The 6V6 is widely used in older Fender amps. 

  • 6V6S - JJ Electronic

    The JJ 6V6S beam power tetrode tube is a high quality option, easily withstanding higher modern guitar tube amp plate voltages



  • 6V6GT - Electro-Harmonix

    The EHX 6V6GT beam power tetrode tube features a Tung-Sol design, and is OEM in many modern 6V6 guitar amplifiers



  • 6V6GT - Tung-Sol

    The Tung-Sol 6V6GT beam power tetrode tube was the preferred OEM tube for vintage Fender Tweed and Deluxe amps, and is a favourite for Blues Players



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