6V6GT - Tung-Sol

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6V6GT - Tung-Sol

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Product Information

Tung-Sol is a brand owned by the American New Sensor Corporation and manufactured at the Xpo-Pul - Reflektor factory in Saratov, Russia. The Tung-Sol 6V6GT beam power tetrode tube was the preferred OEM tube for vintage Fender Tweed and Deluxe amps. The Tung-Sol 6V6GT has a geometry designed to safely handle the higher plate voltages used in guitar amps, plus its heavier plate and grid materials ensure a robust and reliable tube under extreme conditions.  The Tung-Sol 6V6GT breaks up evenly from low E to high up the neck.  A favourite tube for Blues Players.  It is rated for up to 315V plate voltage.

Open Datasheet - 6V6GT

Product Code 6V6GSDV51
Manufacturer Tung-Sol
Condition New
Weight 0.039kg

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